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Cooking for the feeding program!

Snack time!

The team!

Cooking for the feeding program!
Feeding Programs:
It's not what you think, it's better! Here we not only feed boys and girls hot meals, we teach the Bible,songs,table manners and how to clean up after themselves!
Children's Programs:
At all our children's programs we believe that we should teach the kids to learn how to speak other languages such as English, Spanish and Creole, but we mostly focus on teaching them about God and what he did for us! In the programs we usually start with and a lesson and a project and then we give them a snack and its game time!
Bible Schools:
Did someone ask for a pastor? Well after starting more than 50 Bible Schools there will be plenty of annointed men and women of God to do the job!
Community Restoration:
Believe it or not the most enthusiastic people we find to clean up a community are the people that live there! We work along side the
locals to improve their living conditions and share Christ's love as we do it!
Short-Term Mission Teams:
We love having short term mission teams come down and work with us! We have teams come down from all over the United States. It's such an incredible way for people to step out of their comfort zones and experience a new way of life! It's such a privledge for our family to be able to see so many lives changed not only in the people of the Dominican Republic but also the lives of each team member that comes down.
Community Centers:
The community centers are the place to be! Here we host church, pre-school, language classes, feeding programs and even parties for children and their families.
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